Bundle of Fireside Roast and Toast Party Script


Fireside Roast and Toast Party Script

As sweater weather is here and the leaves fall to the ground, it's time to light a roaring fire, grab your sugary hot chocolate, pop the fluffiest socks on, and spend an evening roasting marshmallows. Yes, you guessed right, we're hosting a fireside roast and toast party. Fireside Roast and Toast Party Script includes the following sales script games: Punch-a-bunch, Scavenger Hunt, Host Trivia, Pin it 

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bundle of baking party

Are you ready to give Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey a run for their money? We're hosting the ultimate bake-off competition. Spend an evening surrounded by your favorite baking scents as we cook up a storm of cakes, doughnuts, cookies, and so much more. Baking Party includes the following sales script games: Word Hunt, Word Scramble, Name That Name, Hostess Trivia, Punch Bowl  

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Par-tea Time Party Script

Fun times are brewing. This tea inspired party script is the perfect way to celebrate any special occasion. Par-Tea Time Party Script includes the following sales script games: Punch a Bunch, Hostess Trivia, On Time Bonus, Think Fast, Word Scramble

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