If you’ve read 3 Ways to Get More Out of Your Virtual Theme Parties, you already know that running virtual theme parties gives your direct sales business a lot of options. Did you know that there are even more ways to use party scripts? Running fundraisers and virtual classes are two more great ways to get even more out of your virtual party scripts.
Fundraising with Virtual Theme Parties

We also know how important it is to for fundraisers to go well. As the consultant for the fundraiser, you’re in the spotlight and people are looking to you for success. There’s also the added challenge of helping people learn how awesome your product is because there’s a pretty good chance the people who are doing the fundraising are not overly familiar with your company. At the very least, they’re not experts like you.
One of the best ways to fundraise is with a virtual theme party because it offers so many benefits., and let’s not forget about how awesome it is to be able to help out a valuable organization. Your company may even offer special fundraiser incentives! It’s definitely a win-win-win kinda thing.
We also know how important it is to for fundraisers to go well. As the consultant for the fundraiser, you’re in the spotlight and people are looking to you for success. There’s also the added challenge of helping people learn how awesome your product is because there’s a pretty good chance the people who are doing the fundraising are not overly familiar with your company. At the very least, they’re not experts like you.
One of the best ways to fundraise is with a virtual theme party because it offers so many benefits.

Location Doesn’t Matter
Just like when you run a regular party, virtual fundraisers offer the awesome benefit of not needing everyone to be local. Let’s say you’re running a fundraiser for your child’s pre-school. There are probably plenty of people who would love to support your cause, but who may not live nearby. With virtual parties, location is no problem!
Themes are Fun
Fundraisers should be fun. It’s in the name after all! Making it fun for people to support a cause significantly increases the engagement with your fundraiser. The more engaged your guests are the more likely they are to buy. They’re also more likely to spend more, which means more funds raised. What’s more fun than a theme party?!

Pro Tip: Choosing a theme that suits your organization will help your guests get more engaged. If you can’t think of a theme that works for the organization,
Highlight Information About the Organization
Party scripts are so versatile and there are plenty of opportunities to share information about the amazing charity you’re fundraising for. Instead of using the party posts to talk about your business, use them as an opportunity to share details of the organization and the wonderful things they are doing for the community.
Showcase Fundraiser Specific Products
Whether your company offers specific fundraising products or not, virtual theme parties are a great opportunity to highlight products that suit the organization. For example, if you’re fundraiser is supporting a children’s organization, showcase products that are great for kids or the young at heart. If your fundraiser is for a medical organization, showcase products that offer medicinal benefits or simply a way to escape from the stress.
Highlighting specific products that are relevant to the organization you’re supporting will make it easy for your guests to decide what to buy. Your guests are already at the fundraiser which means they want to support the organization. The easier you make it for them to buy, they more likely they are to make a bigger purchase.
Fundraisers are such an incredible opportunity when you belong to a direct sales company. Using theme parties can help you knock it out of the park!
Running Virtual Classes with Theme Parties
Do you sell a product that involves a lot of information or details? Perhaps essential oils or weight-loss products? Maybe you offer products that are incredibly versatile. Whatever your product is, if you need to educate your customers, virtual theme parties are a fantastic way to do so.
Remember when you were in school and you had to learn about something that didn’t interest you at all and it was so painfully boring? But every once in

Themes are the tool you need for taking something not everyone finds interesting and showing them how exciting and relevant it actually is! Themes are fun and when learning is fun it becomes interesting. Some of your most loyal customers were probably non-believers until you showed them a new way!
Using your party script as an educational opportunity is easy! Simply use the product posts to provide information rather than sell a product. (Exactly the same way you would if you were using it as a recruiting opportunity).

By switching it up from product posts to informational posts, you’re keeping the engaging part of the script. Your guests still partake in the fun stuff (like the games), which keeps them interested while you’re teaching them all about why they need your product.
Possibly the best thing about virtual theme parties is how versatile they are. They make it so easy to keep your customers and guests constantly engaged in your business. Whether you use them for fundraisers, virtual classes, live sales or recruiting, there’s no question they will increase engagement and accelerate your sales. How do you use your virtual party scripts?