Black Friday is right around the corner and it’s no secret that if you want your direct sales business to thrive, you need to plan for the event. Using a virtual theme party is a highly effective way to blow-up your sales this Black Friday season. Let’s take a look at how to use a theme party for Black Friday sales.

One of the coolest things about Black Friday is that it provides an opportunity to look at running theme parties in a different way. We’re totally geeking out here but bear with us.

Unfortunately, the challenges associated with creating a theme often leave consultants discouraged and unable to pull something together, which often results in them missing out on what should have been a huge sales day.
The other problem with trying to create a Black Friday theme is that as much as people shop Black Friday not a lot of people love the concept of Black Friday. Creating content around standing in line for hours on end, or pushing people out of the way to get a limited offer doesn’t have a particularly pleasant ring to it.

You want your theme to make your guests happy, encourage them to engage with other partygoers, put them in a good mood, and make them feel better about spending money, not worse. After all, getting your favorite products on sale is a great reason to be happy!
So how do you use a theme party for Black Friday sales? You pick a theme that has nothing to do with Black Friday. It sounds counterintuitive, but it works! Versatility is one of the most unique features of theme parties.
When you’re planning your Black Friday Theme Parties, the first thing you want to do is get creative! Think outside the box. Here are some examples of how you can use regular themes to crush your Black Friday sales.

Think About What Theme Your Guests Would Love and Don’t Give Any Thought To Black Friday
Start by thinking about who is going to be attending your party, and what themes they would love. In this case, don’t think about Black Friday at all. Think about which theme your guests would engage with the most.
Are your guests looking for a Ladies Night theme? Or would they prefer a Winter Wonderland theme? Perhaps a night of mystery with a Secret Agent theme would suit them best.
The thing about Black Friday is that people already want to shop. For one magical moment in the year, you don’t have to convince anyone to go shopping. They’re ready and willing. Your job is to get them shopping with you.

By choosing a theme your guests will love, you’ll get better attendance and engagement at your party. Attendance + Engagement = Sales.
Make the theme about your guests and then use the product posts in your party to highlight the products your company has on sale. If your sale is a discount on all products, use your product posts to highlight your all-time best-sellers or the products that sell best at this time of year.
Highlight Your Prices in a Creative Way
Are your Black Friday sales the lowest price of the year? Everyone (and we really mean everyone) offers a Black Friday sale nowadays. Even other countries are utilizing the American Black Friday model (eh, Canada?). So how are you going to stand out?

You’re going to get creative! Using a theme like the Totally Tubular ‘80s or That’s So ‘90s allows you to play on the idea of prices being as low as they were decades ago. What makes it even better is that a decade theme lets your party-goers enjoy the nostalgia of a different time. Nostalgia = attendance + engagement, which we know equals sales.
Don’t have a nostalgic group? Perhaps your guests are more into Unicorns and Rainbows – as rare and mystical as the prices during your Black Friday sale.

Think Seasonally
Black Friday is well-known as the kick-off to holiday shopping for many consumers and you can certainly use that to your advantage!
Using a holiday theme is a fantastic way to encourage people to shop with you. Help your guests have A Merry Little Christmas by getting more and spending less, thanks to your Black Friday sales.

If your guests like adventure, you can take them on a Christmas theme adventure with the Case of the Holiday Heist. It’s a unique, one-of-a-kind mystery party that is sure to impress. People love to solve mysteries and this theme offers a special focus on engagement.
If you decide to use a seasonal theme for your Black Friday parties, check out this blog post first. It walks you through How to Choose Products for Your Christmas Party, so you can offer the best value to your customers specifically for the holiday season. Combine those concepts with your Black Friday sales and you have a recipe for success.
Black Friday is a huge opportunity for your business. By being a little creative and thinking outside the box, you can actually increase your success and ultimately your sales. You are a unique, creative, one-of-a-kind consultant who has the most unique, creative, one-of-a-kind virtual parties! And hey, think about how many Christmas parties you’ll be able to book when your Black Friday party was so much fun.