Tag Archives: facebook parties

Unlocking Success With Direct Sales by Using Party Scripts

using Party Scripts

Are you a direct sales representative looking for new ways to close more deals and grow your business? Do you feel like the online parties that have become so popular during the pandemic are becoming stale and ineffective? If so, it might be time to look into using party scripts. But how can they help […]

Why Facebook Parties Are the Future of Direct Selling?

Facebook Parties

Are you a direct seller? Here’s some good news. Direct selling enables you to sell to consumers who are likely already interested in what you offer. As a bonus, you meet new people at events and parties. However, these days, events and parties in physical locations are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Everything […]

Why Your Facebook Parties are a Bust

Y’all, we’ve seen people posting lately about how their Facebook parties are a bust! They’re blaming Facebook, the weather, saying virtual parties are a thing of the past, the list goes on and on. The thing is, none of these people seem to be taking the time to look at themselves. On the whole, there […]

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Get your FREE Party Script (a $30 value).

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We provide you with all the content, images, games, and post schedule. Just copy-paste your way to a successful virtual party!